Selfie Cam
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Yes! You can create your own custom filters. Size is 1080W x 1350H, png file.
Yes, send a coupon to users after they've posted to social channels.
Yes, place any text in our "Share Text" field in the portal. When users go to share their selfies, it will automatically upload this text into their text box of the social channel.
When sharing a selfie, the user will be prompted to share to various social platforms. There is also an option to "submit to video board." In this case, these selfies will appear in the CUE Audio Client Portal for moderation. From the portal, they can be downloaded and displayed on a big screen or video board.
You can have a selfie cam as a "silent track," embedded into a song of your choice, or appended to the end of a light show. All of these options are available within the CUE Audio Client Portal.
Yes, there are multiple sync points in the downloadable audio file generated in the portal. This allows a user to miss the first sync point and still be able to take part.